Keloid Removal


Before and after shots of a KELOID removal I did tonight. There is a small chance that it could grow back because I wasn’t able to dig deep enough into the ear to remove all the excited tissue due to the fact that the keloid was leaning heavily on the outer wall of the interior fistula – the piercing hole, and just to be careful enough to retain the stretched piercing with-out losing the original diameter of the healed stretch.

As seen in the first picture my client is wearing an acrylic stretcher, talon whatever you want to call it, it needed to be replaced with a sterile 316 lvm s.s. tunnel to facilitate healing as his previous jewelry could not be left in place for fear of possible contamination to the new wound.

Most times when I remove a Keloid I don’t have to use sutures but in this particular case I chose to conceal the wound as much as possible so it will heal quickly with less vulnerability. Follow up pictures within a week or so.